Personal Home Page
Denis Chrétien

This document is not part of the official presentation of the "Laboratoire des Protéines Complexes, Université de Tours ", nor of the CNRS. The contents of this page represents the author's opinions.

Bienvenue sur ma page web

My research concerns a biological polymer found in cells called the microtubule, using mainly the electron microscope (the machine behind me in the picture). I won't spent too much time explaining what is a microtubule, since you will find plenty of sites that describe it (try Alta Vista with the key word "microtubule"). Below are some links related to this subject (mainly labs working in the same area as me), and others.You will also find some cryo-electron microscope images of microtubules and related structures. I'll complement this site with more images and protocols that I use for my research when I've time.

Have fun...


Since april 22, 1999
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Author: Last modified: april 22, 1999